University of Burgundy, Octobre 13th 2023 – Dijon, France
Centre Interlangues Teste-Image-Langage (TIL EA 4182)
At the invitation of the University of Burgundy, a conference and an exhibition #sketchyourwindow (#dessinetafenetre) are organized on October 13th 2023 dedicated to the works and drawings we produced during the pandemic.
This exhibition was inspired by the one organized by the Musée des beaux-arts La Cohue in Vannes in 2020 et 2021. After 178 days of imposed closure, the exhibition could not open its doors to the public. Nevertheless, it continues to move forward thanks to these initiatives and research into our lives during the pandemic.
Drawing as an immediate expression of our contemporary lives has filled a void of expression, interaction, escape and sharing in the face of loneliness and uncertainty. We’ll see how windows illuminated our inner lives in this halted time. A subject in its own right in art, rethinking the window during the lockdown was a singular but essential invitation.
Exposition #dessinetafenetre – Museum of Vannes
This first exhibition on the pandemic organized in France deprived of its public. (read our News Letter April 2021). The British channel ITV went to the Museum of Vannes for their JT/News at TEN on January 29, 2021. Luckily, the footage shot from the exhibition has been edited. This new video is the trace of the exhibition..
Discovery Education proposes a #sketchyourwindow video to all the primary schools in UK & International
On TV5 Monde, #dessinetafenetre
« Fenêtres sur le monde » during pandemic. The first exhibition on our lockdown organised by a museum – Musée des beaux-arts La Cohue de Vannes – English Translation here
By Frantz Vaillant – Feb, 8, 2021, Culture Prime
News Letters
- N°6, Apr. 26, 2021 – Click Here
- N°5, Jan. 7, 2021 – Click Here
- N°4, Nov. 8, 2020 – Click Here
- N°3, Aug 25, 2020 – Click Here
- N°2 , May 26, 2020. Click here to read it.
- N°1, 13 Apr.2020. Click here
Apprendre et Enseigner Le Français avecTV5Monde
#dessinetafenetre on APPRENDRE & ENSEIGNER AVEC TV5MONDE (Link)
#dessinetafenetre & exhibition in Vannes on ITV News (UK)
The irony is that the exhibition ABOUT Lockdown is taking place WITHIN Lockdown. These windows into people’s own personal experience of the pandemic have to be view on line for now, but still perhaps offer an nourishment for the soul at he time we all need it.
ITV News – News at TEN, January, 29 th – 2021
Let’s listen « Room with a view » by Paul McCartney (youtube).
For Teenagers
In Actuailes n°128, News mag (age 10-15)
Cliquer ici pour accéder au communiqué de presse #dessinetafenetre
« D’un confinement à l’autre, #dessinetafenetre s’invite au musée à Vannes« , Le Télégramme, 7 déc. 2020 (in french)
International Initiatives
We are the french supporter of « the Landscape through my window » project launch by the Institut del Paisaje from the Universitad Catolica de Corboda in Argentina. Gabrielle Thierry is invited to be member of the international jury. The number of participants is 412 from 31 countries. A first selection of 50 landscapes from a window will be done end of may.
Info + on Facebook ou Instagram #institutodelpaisajeucc
- Thanks to Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, International architects urbanists and designers Cie from New-York, to share with us the windows’views drawings from their coworkers « to stay connected during these challenging and uncertain times ». @skidmoreowingsmerrill
They talk about us
« Après un mois de confinement, la fenêtre est devenue notre ouverture sur le monde – Vitale pour respirer et profiter de la lumière – Alors pourquoi de pas immortaliser ce moment ? » Agnès Soubiran, France Inter, News mag 7h, 14 April,14 2020
« Artists have an essential role. These are the artists who occupy us today: those who make music, those who write books and those who suggest drawing while looking out the window … » |
Confinement Challenge by France3 French TV Channel, #sketchyourwindoaw – #dessinetafenetre on the interactive map which indicates the positive initiatives & original ideas.
Educational Projets
- S’ArtMuser puts in its quarantine activities portfolio our projet « An idea for the whole familly! », Click here to read #dessinetafenetre
- « Sketch your winow », the inspiration’s source of the pedagogic project « Imagine… through your window » (Paris Academy)
- The Popular University of Poissy proposes « Sketch your window » to its public and students. Our proposition to do a conference on « The window in art and during our quarantine » has been retained (This conference is offered in French or English in September, 2020).
« We live better with Art», museums propositions
- Some windows opened on the Brittany by the Contemporary Art Friends Association of Vannes Museums and in its letter « Parenthère culture n°2 » (in french)
- Windows ou Portholes? The Museum of Batellerie the city of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine proposes #sketchyourwindow to their friends ans visitors.
- Thanks to the Nogent’s Museum de share its new Challenge « I draw what I see from my window« . A nice way to discover the city’s secret places.
Publishing & Exhibition Project
- Fondation Ipsen, placed under the aegis of Fondation de France, invited us to integrate a selection of our drawings #sketchyourwindow to their book on project « Let’s leave a trace « . This free book will be distributed to libraries, schools, retirement homes, prisons, hospitals, associations, etc.
They cover our initiative
« The good idea to stay busy during quarantine«
« You don’t know how to pass the time in confinement? Why not develop an artistic talent? Whether you already have this talent or don’t yet know it, go to www.sketchyourwindow.org. In confinement, everything we see from the outside world goes through our windows. A painter therefore had the good idea to gather us around drawings of windows, gardens, courtyards. On this website, find drawings posted by many Internet users and post your work! »
« Memory through art »
- « We like, we support » – The French Souvenir Ass., Mai,4, 2020
Seungbin Jeong’s video, working on #sketchyourwindow
Seungbin Jeong is an artist living in Seoul-Korea. He shares with us a video of this special moment sketching and painting the view trough his window. Take your time, a pencil and let’s follow him
Sarah’s colibri
- Sarah from Chartres in France, sent us the Colibri she draw on the wall, in front of her window. It is so great !
Timelapse de Keith
« A windy day » , première animation de Keith, @kiss.ac VisibilitéPublier101 révisionsSlug d’URL
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