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Project’s French Version : www.dessinetafenetre.org
The Window in Art
For you to be inspired, herewith some artworks from artists inspired themself by the view of their window.

Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse’ Windows
But also Pierre Bonnard, Edward Hopper, Magritte,…

Black, Jonathan, ‘C.R.W. Nevinson The Complete Prints’, 2014, cat. 96

La fenêtre , Pierre Bonnard, 1925, Coll. Tate Galleryhttps://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/bonnard-the-window-n04494
- Les Fenêtres – Fondation de l’Hermita
Article L’art et les fenêtres de Dürer à Rothko - From the inside out — 10 scenes from the artist’s window
Lien vers Christie’s - …
Articles, books, Blogs
- Rooms with a view: how windows have long inspired spectacular art – The Telegragh, April, 24, 2020
- 17 Artists Capture a Surreal New York From Their Windows – Le New-York Times, April 16, 2020
- Quand l’art passe par la fenêtre – Le Monde, 28 avril 2013

S.F.Gore (1878-1914), From a Window in the Hampstead Road, 1911.

American 19th Century, A View from an East Window in the Old Sugar House, No.3 Norris’ Alley, Philadelphia, 1811, pen and ink with watercolor on paperboard, Rosenwald Collection 1964.8.1759